How to Get Out of Foreclosure in Colorado – 8 Solutions

Foreclosure can be a daunting experience, but remember, you have options. If you’re facing foreclosure in Colorado, it’s crucial to explore different avenues to help you regain control of your financial situation and avoid foreclosure. In this blog post, we’ll discuss eight potential solutions to guide you through this challenging time and stop foreclosure on your house.

Table of Contents

How to Get Out of Foreclosure in Colorado

1. Loan Modification/Refinancing: A Possible Solution

Contact your mortgage lender if you are having trouble paying your mortgage and explore the possibility of a loan modification or a short refinance to avoid foreclosure. Work with the lender to negotiate a new loan that is more affordable and manageable for you. Ensure that you fully understand the terms and have a repayment plan for the new mortgage.

You should also be aware approximately 50% of applications get denied as most lenders want to ensure the new plan will be successful and you won’t have trouble paying the new mortgage amount. In case of a denial, ensure you have a back up plan.



This article is brought to you by Colorado Housing Experts

2. State Grants: A Helping Hand in Hardship

Another avenue worth exploring is the availability of state grants designed to assist homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure. These grants can sometimes provide a one-time payment to help you catch up on your mortgage arrears. It is integral to research state-specific programs, as eligibility criteria and funds vary by location.



3. Personal Loans: A Possible Lifeline

One option to consider to avoid foreclosure is getting a personal loan from a family member or friend to catch up on missed mortgage payments. This solution can work if you have a strong support system and someone who is willing to help. However, it’s essential to treat this as a serious commitment and make sure both parties are clear on the terms of repayment.



4. Have Your Children Take Over the Mortgage: Keeping it in the Family

Another option to consider if you’re facing foreclosure is to have your adult children take over the mortgage. This could be particularly beneficial if they have an interest in eventually inheriting the property. The process involves your children assuming the mortgage and making payments on your behalf or refinancing the property in their name, provided they have the financial stability to do so.



5. Renting Out Your House: An Avenue To Cover Mortgage Payments

Explore the rental market in your area and consider renting out your property to generate income and get your loan current. Determine a fair rent that can cover your mortgage payment and other expenses associated with being a landlord. You may also decide to rent out a room or portion of your house on popular rental websites to generate additional income to assist in avoiding foreclosure.



6. Listing Your Property with an Agent: A Traditional Approach

Engage the services of a reputable real estate agent with experience in handling foreclosures. They can assist you in preparing your property for sale to maximize its appeal to potential buyers. Be patient, as the selling process may take time. You should also be aware that the costs of selling through an agent can be substantial and may not be a good option depending on the amount of equity you have in the property.



7. Cash Offers: A Quick Fix?

If time is of the essence and you need to sell your property quickly, reach out to real estate investors who specialize in cash purchases. A short sale can also be discussed as a possible solution with your mortgage servicer if you owe more on the property than it is valued.

While a cash offer may offer a quicker resolution and be a better solution than a deed in lieu, it is important to weigh it against other considerations, such as the potential selling price and the urgency of your situation.



8. Filing for Bankruptcy: A Last Resort

While not an ideal solution, filing for bankruptcy may provide temporary relief and help with avoiding foreclosure. Consult with a bankruptcy attorney to understand the implications and determine if this option is suitable for your circumstances.



Letting Your House Foreclose at Auction: Not the Ideal Option

Allowing your house to foreclose at auction should be considered a last resort. This option can result in significant credit damage and should only be pursued after careful consideration of the long-term consequences.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:


Seeking Professional Advice During The Foreclosure Process

Remember, each situation is unique, and what works for one homeowner may not be suitable for another. Seek professional advice from a foreclosure expert (At Colorado Housing Experts), a housing counselor from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), or an attorney specializing in foreclosure to guide you through this process.

Final Thoughts

Navigating foreclosure is undoubtedly challenging, but with the right information and support, you can find a solution that works best for you. Be proactive, explore your options, and take steps towards regaining control of your financial future.

At Colorado Housing Experts we have helped many people avoid foreclosure through action and making a decision on which option works for them. The worst thing is inaction as this results in a much worse situation at the end of this all. We always say it’s best to do things on your terms, don’t let the mortgage company make decisions for you.

This article is brought to you by Colorado Housing Experts